Triple hit from Stoneacres

A rare feat of catching three Stoneacres fish in a session was accomplished by Baz Lloyd, who notched two thirties and a mid-twenty.

The 27-year-old caught mirrors of 31lb 12oz and 31lb 6oz during a trip to the challenging 50-acre Linch Hill venue in Oxfordshire.

The fish came from the Top Dogs swim and were caught just 15 yards out surrounded by 10 free offerings of Sticky boilies.

“To say I was buzzing was an understatement,” said the Cheshire rod, “A brace of thirties and a mid-twenty in one session – awesome!”

Baz used 8ins blowback rigs made from 20lb Korda N-Trap Soft and size 6 Korda Wide Gape hooks.

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