Dynamite Frenzied Meat Review

WHAT THEY SAY: Produced on site in Dynamite’s new canning and cooking plant, this low-fat, fishery-friendly meat bait comes in 250g containers. Specimen Tuff has the perfect texture for use with meat cutters. It comes in four flavours – also available are Match Washed Out, Krill and F1 versions.

WHAT WE SAY: Frenzied Meat hasn’t been out for very long, but I’m already hearing the Krill and Specimen Tuff versions are ripping up rivers holding chub and barbel. With tins banned on a lot of venues, this product is a great alternative to keep in your bag and has been purposely designed for fishing. The Specimen Tuff looks perfect for barbel anglers who wish to fish the active ‘rolling’ method.

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Price: £2.99 , www.dynamitebaits.com