Commercial Fishing Tips | How to hit more bites from F1s - Reece Hearn

I catch a lot of F1s in the cooler weather just as the bait settles, and in clear water I think that the fish actually watch the bait fall, so how you present the hookbait will go a long way to deciding many you actually hook.

I try to bomb the rig down towards the bottom as normal but then stop the fall with about 12ins of the rig sticking out of the water to let the rig straighten up. 

I then slowly lower in the rest of the rig to give the bait a super-slow fall in the bottom foot of water.

I’ll also lift and drop the rig the same distance when fishing to keep the pellet falling in front of the fish. Try this and you’ll hit more bites!

F1s will watch the hookbait fall

F1s will watch the hookbait fall