How long should I soak my boilies in water for to wash them out?
Tom Maker:
Washing my baits out is something I love to do all year round. As a rough guide, I try do it a few days before I’m going fishing to allow enough time for the boilies to wash out.
It also ensures that they take on the water and extra Cloudy Liquids that I add, whether that’s the Krill or Manilla. This gives the baits a washed out look, yet they remain packed full of attraction as they absorb all the goodness, whilst remaining immensely soft.
Add liquids to boost the attraction levels of washed out baits
I would avoid leaving them too long in the bucket, especially in summer as the warmer water will increase the speed of which the boilie reacts and you’ll end up with a boilie that’s almost too washed out!