What is the best thing to do when a fish starts kiting towards a snag? I lost a couple of fish on my last session when fish kited towards a set of reeds and I couldn’t reel them in quick enough.
Myles Gibson
Snag fishing is all about safety, but sometimes no matter what you do to prevent it, they’ll aim for that sanctuary and cover to help them get rid of the rig.
If you do get a take, it’s important to apply pressure straight away and direct them away from any potential danger. If you swim allows it, walking back with the rod is always a good way of gaining an upper hand in the battle, whilst maintaining control.
In terms of what you could do differently, assess the situation and if it’s not safe to hook and land the fish, simply don’t fish there. It’s not worth the losses and risk of putting the carp in danger.
Always assess whether you will be able to safely hook and land fish when considering fishing close to snags. Fish safety must always come first