Why are pop-ups available in lots of nice smelling and fruity flavored versions, but very few bottom baits in these flavours?
Tom Gibson:
That’s a very good question! If you take the initial part-reasoning behind bright / fruity pop-ups, they were designed to mainly be cast as single hookbaits to either showing fish or among thick weed to nick the odd bite as well as stand out like a sore thumb.
Like me, if you’re looking to put a bed of bait onto a spot and encourage the carp to feed, sometimes a big, bright colour in their face can spook them as it looks almost too obvious.
This is why most bottom baits, like the Tuff Ones we do in the boilie ranges, are designed to mimic the exact feed you’re putting out.
Most of the time if you’re fishing on the bottom for a bite, you’re fishing over a clean and presentable area and most anglers would opt for a match the hatch hookbait.
The Tuff Ones are my go-to bait if im fishing on the deck, and micic the freebies perfectly