Biggest haul of specimen carp ever topped by whopping 80lb 6oz mirror carp

With a total weight of carp over 2,000lb and featuring an 80lb 6oz mirror carp, the haul was taken by fishing fanatic Dave Thompson as he fished his way through 140 kilos of bait during a two-week session.

The amazing catch not only saw Dave slip the net under his giant personal-best carp, the famous ‘Briggsy’s fish’, but also go on to take a staggering list of 48 specimens that included a 77lb 6oz fish and four carp over 60lb.

The self-employed builder fished in the daunting, snaggy depths of France’s famous Rainbow Lake to land 10 carp over 50lb, 14 fish topping the 40lb barrier, plus 13  ‘30s’ and five ‘20s’.

In order to take such a huge haul the Leicester-based carper used a boat to deliver his rig at 150 yards range and introduced around 7kg of boilies, particles and pellets after every fish landed.

“I started with around 120 kilos of bait, but after the first week I had to cut down because I thought I was going to run out. I still ended up buying a load extra because the more I put in the more I caught,” Dave told Angling Times.

“Catching carp from waters like goldfish bowls does nothing for me, and that’s why I like to fish waters like this because it’s a huge challenge.

But I never dreamed that I’d catch so many massive carp in one session, and I couldn’t believe they just kept coming.” “Many ‘carpers’ get intimidated by venues like this and think it’s far beyond their capability, but I’m just an everyday working man that loves his carp fishing, and more anglers should give fishing like this a go because the excitement and satisfaction you get from hooking these giant fish in such a wild environment is beyond compare.” Before Dave began the session of a lifetime his personal best stood at 69lb, but that was soon smashed when he overcame the minefield of islands and underwater snags with the help of 40lb Berkeley Fireline, size 4 hooks and Drennan ESP Striptease hooklength material.

The 48-year-old is good friends with respected carp angler Rob Hughes who, despite rumours that the venue has produced bigger catches in the past, is of the opinion that Dave’s catch is the best in the history of the sport.

“I’ve fished venues on the Continent for many years and this far exceeds anything I’ve ever heard of before,” Rob told AT, “I’ve caught some big carp in my time, but I can’t begin to imagine what it’s like to have a session like this.

“Dave’s a great angler and many fishermen wouldn’t be able to comprehend the hard work it takes to make a catch like this. It just shows you what’s possible if you get everything right.