Cudmore Fisheries plans new predator water

One of the country’s best known commercial match venues has this week revealed plans to stock over 2,000lb worth of pike into its lakes.

Cudmore Fisheries in Staffordshire, home of the high-profile Fish O’Mania final, is to release the predators into its Tara pool next month, with fish being stocked ranging in size from a few pounds to over 20lb.

The move follows the venue’s plans to turn itself into a new National School of Angling, as reported in last week’s AT, with the new predator pool designed to offer individuals the chance to learn about the species, as well as attracting more experienced pike anglers to the venue.

“We’ve already ordered the fish and the licenses are in place, so we’re just waiting for the pike to be delivered in January,” Cudmore boss, Cyril Brewster, told AT.

“There’s a huge demand for predator fishing in the UK, but very few commercial fisheries catering for it.

“It’s also a part of our plan to launch the National School of Angling here.

The pike will mean we can cover another aspect of angling.” “It’s all about offering as much choice as possible,” he added. “We’re also looking into introducing zander to the lake, but we’ll need to work very closely with the EA on that.” Not everyone is as positive about the plan, however. Predator ace Mick Brown, who has more experience than most with pike fisheries, has his doubts about the project.

“There’s nothing wrong with a predatory commercial fishery, but it needs to be run correctly with a balance between making money and the welfare of the fish,” he told AT. “Carp can be caught 30 times a year and be fine, but a pike only needs to be caught two or three times over a year before it starts to suffer.

“Cudmore really needs to limit the pressure these fish will get, especially on a water of this size, otherwise the pike will really suffer, and I’d suggest they should work with a body like the PAC to get the best advice possible.

“I don’t want to be negative about the project, and I hope they can make it a success, but I’ve been involved in similar fisheries before and they never seem to work,” he added.