Solid PVA bag tactics fool 40lb 9oz common

Kev Hewitt enjoyed a memorable session on Christchurch on the Linch Hill complex in Oxfordshire landing this stunning 40lb 9oz common and three other thirties to 39lb 2oz.

All of the 27-year-old Bristol-based rod’s fish were taken on CC Moore Acid Pear Hellraiser pop-ups fished inside a solid bag filled with pellets boosted with Bloodworm Liquid over a bed of maggots.

“Each fish came at around 4am in the morning like clockwork, and the biggest of them, known as the Toejam, came on the final morning of the session,” Kev told Angling Times.

His hookbaits were mounted on 4ins, 15lb Drennan Super Specialist Sink Braid hooklinks and size 8 ESP Curve-Shanx hooks.