320lb porbeagle shark off Whitby

The Yorkshire coast played host to the capture of another huge shark last week with the landing of this huge 320lb porbeagle by 21-year-old Bradford angler Ben Kitchingman.

Caught during a two-day trip aboard Whitby-based fishing charter boat Shy Torque, anchored around 27 miles offshore, the giant shark follows Sam Ward’s 360lb fish of the same species which was also landed on Shy Torque less than two months ago.

Ben, who is a member of Bradford & District Sea Angling Club said: “I have never caught a shark before despite going on several trips out of Illfracombe in Cornwall so I decided to have a try on my uncle’s boat. I couldn’t believe my luck as it was the only one caught during the trip. I never had a harness so it took me over two and a half hours to land.”

The fish took a whole mackerel bait on a size 10/0 hook, tied to 50lb mainline line.