Blue sharks... from a small inflatable boat!

Catching sharks from a small inflatable boat might sound like a daunting experience – but that’s exactly what Julian Chidgey did, landing a series of blue sharks to over 70lb.

The Fox-backed angler joined forces with his friend Neil Edgar and targeted the predators off the coast of Cornwall.

Fresh mackerel hookbaits were caught first before being presented under a float setup. It didn’t take long for the action to begin, and Julian said: “I’d been fishing for smaller species on a light rig when all of a sudden I could hear line being stripped from my shark rod.”

“Despite having the clutch set tightly, it stripped 100 metres of braid before I eventually started coaxing it towards the boat. It was an epic fight that I’ll never forget,” added Julian, who used 30lb Fox Horizon braid and a 175lb wire trace to a size 10/0 hook.