Brace of thirties for Darren Belton

Darren Belton has continued his run of form on a southern stillwater with a brace of thirties which included a 31lb mirror believed to be over 40-years-old.

The Chub Academy member had taken six fish to 30lb 2oz the week before so headed back to the same swim.

He said: “I soon had a large bed of Mainline Hybrid boilies out among the weed and cast Clockwork Orange hookbaits either side of it. At 10.30 that night a stuttering take produced my first bream of the year and I hoped this wasn’t a sign of things to come. In the early hours of the morning a one toner ended up with a mid-twenty on the bank and I put out a few more Spombs of boilies before getting back in bed.”
He then had two takes in quick succession which resulted in the two biggest fish of the trip, mirrors of 35lb and 31lb.

“I’d called Rob Marsh to come and do the pics of the 35lb mirror and after slipping her back, we were sat chatting when the other rod rattled off. The fish came straight to the surface and I managed to keep it clear of the weed until it slipped over the net cord. As we peered in we both looked at each other and smiled. It was a very special fish – a prehistoric looking carp over 40-years-old and absolutely stunning,” he added.