Huge 270lb 7oz catfish caught from Italy
THIS is a picture of one of the biggest catfish ever caught using rod and line, anywhere in the world.
Weighing in at a colossal 270lb 7oz, it was caught from Italy’s River Po by German anglers David Otto and Mark Potschka, who were fishing with Black Cat guides Stefan Seuss and Benjamin Grunder.
With the venue running a couple of metres above its normal level and still rising, the group decided to position their bait in a ditch that ran alongside the main river, because they correctly forecast that the biggest predators would seek the sanctuary out of the main flow.
“In these conditions the catfish are drawn to the land and even lay up in the shallowest flooded grassy areas, so we cast into a ditch that was being filled by the floodwater” said Stefan.
“After the guys hooked the fish they tried to subdue it from the bank, but we ended up having to follow it in the dinghy because it was just so powerful!”