Krill fools lake best

A Cambridgeshire syndicate water produced its first ever 30 during a 12-fish catch by Jamie Peacock.

The Peterborough rod banked the biggie during a two-night weekend session at Premium Carp Fishing’s Whittle Mere lake, which opened in May.

The 34-year-old stonemason has caught 50 fish from the water since the start of the season and tempted the lake record on Cambridge Carp Bait’s Pickled Krill boilies.
“I’ve been fishing that swim for the last four or five weeks and have had a few big hits. I had one rod at 30 yards in deeper water and the other two were about 15 yards about 60 yards out in a lightly silted area. I introduced about 15kg of pellets and 5kg of boilies and the fish started coming at three-hour intervals from 10pm on the first night.”