One week, two venues, two thirties

SEAN Leverett has been in a rich vein of form of late, banking two thirties from two different low-stock venues in the space of a few days.

His first fish came in the form of a 34lb 12oz mirror which resulted from three changes of swims during a 72 hour session on the Vinnetrow syndicate in Chichester.

He said: “I had moved from one swim to another to my left after seeing a few fish in the area, but by the following morning they’d gone. That evening a really good fish right over my original spot and I began to wish I’d stayed put. The next day I went for a walk and I saw an area of coloured water which I then moved onto.”

Once in position he cast out two single Sticky Krill pop-ups to a spot at 90 yards and received a take 90 minutes later which ended with the specimen known as Paw Print in his net.

His next session saw him heading to CWA Fisheries Roach Pit in Hampshire where the move on to the end of a strong south westerly wind paid dividends with a 35lb 12oz mirror.

“The lake was busy so I started off up the opposite end of the venue to most as I'd seen a few up in the snags,” he told Angling Times. “When I checked them on the second morning it was clear they had moved out, however, and had most probably followed the wind that was now picking up.”

After moving in to a corner swim he flicked out a couple of Chod rigs baited with Which Chocolate pop-ups towards a group of showing fish and a couple of hours later he was holding up his prize for the camera.