Overnight session produces 37lb 10oz mirror

THIS cracking 37lb 10oz mirror was the highlight of a quick overnight session on Suffolk Water Park’s Big Fish Lake for Charles Glasse.

The all-important bite came just 90 minutes into the 17-year-old’s session who, after arriving to be greeted with a freezing cold easterly, chose to set up in a more sheltered area on the back of it where he’d caught a thirty from the week before.

“I have also been introducing a bit of bait into the area over the last few weeks,” the Framlingham-based rod told Angling Times. “I put out about half a kilo of Sticky Baits Vor-Tex boilies when I arrived and fished snowman rigs over the top of that.

“The spot is a gravelly area at the bottom of a shelf about 80 or 90 yards out on the far margin near some reeds.”

The student added: “The bite was a little drop back and I initially thought it could be a tuftie, but when I lifted into it I felt the weight of a big fish.

“I haven’t fished the water much, so to have this fish and the other thirty a week before was a great result.”