Roach personal best broken four times in a session
Patrick Kyte became the envy of hundreds of specimen hunters when he broke his roach personal best four times in one incredible night that was topped by a brace of fish weighing 3lb 2oz and 3lb 1oz 8 drams.
Not only did the first session on the incredible Lochnaw in Scotland produce these pristine fish, but the specialist from Northampton backed them up with no less than six roach all over 2lb 6oz when he fished straight lead just 20 yards from his own bank.
He kept the fish honing in on his 13mm pineapple boilies that were mounted on size 10 hooks, with the regular introduction of marble-sized balls of groundbait.
“This was a holiday that I will never forget as I caught the first couple of fish and then they just kept coming and it was almost like I was dreaming,” said Patrick.
“In the time I was there I had the two big ones and 19 roach all over 2lb 5oz. It was incredible.”