Thirty caught off the top after work

HARRY Charrington has been making the most of the hot weather we’ve been experiencing and caught this 30lb 4oz mirror off the top of an Essex syndicate water during a quick session after work.

With a large number of ducks on the venue, the Fox International media assistant fed over 4kg of Richworth Floating Trout pellets down one end of the lake to keep them occupied and then headed to the other end where the majority of the fish were.

It didn’t take long for Harry to get a few fish feeding confidently and he cast out a hair-rigged trout pellet on a size 10 Arma Point SSSP hook tied to a 12lb Zig and Floater hooklink with a Medium Bolt Bubble controller float.

“The fish was a stunner and I was made up with the catch,” explained Harry. “It was the first fish I’ve caught from the syndicate and was also a new surface personal best by 2oz. When the weather is as hot as it has been you can’t beat a spot of floater fishing as the fish generally just are not interested in feeding on the deck.

“I didn’t have any other fish but as I only arrived at the venue at 5.30pm and had left by 7pm with a thirty under my belt I was well chuffed.”