Its Not All Specimen Carp At Orchid Lakes

Described as ‘the home of the thirties’, Orchid Lakes, in Dorchester on Thames, Oxford is living up to its reputation with a host of 30lb plus fish being recorded over the last 2 weeks. These have all been banked from the fishery’s specimen lake known as the Orchid which is where you should head if you want to catch your first ever 20lb carp.

Compromising 17.6 acres of water, Orchid holds around 300 carp to 30lbs and a scattering of 30lb-plus specimens – ensuring you a chance of a challenging bonus catch this weekend. Conventional carp tactics are popular here with cell boilies and fake corn both proving exceptional hookbaits in the past. The spacious pegs here are all named after the lake’s features, with ‘Pads’ proving the most popular for the 30lbers for anyone who can brave the snags that give this swim its name.

Alternatively, head to the Club Lake if big carp aren’t your thing as this 2 acre gem can produce 100lb bags of coarse fish solely on sweetcorn. Tench and bream to 4lb will feature the most in your catch which are stocked regularly to fuel the appetites of the catfish which also reside here. Simply lay a small bed of micro pellets down at around 5m out and float fish over the top with sweetcorn or worm on the hook to keep the bites coming all day long.

Orchid Lakes, Dorchester on Thames, Oxford
Prices: £25 for 24 hrs. Orchid Lake, £10 a day Club Lake, £350 a season
Contact: 01865 341810,
Location: Orchid Lakes, Abingdon Road, Dorchester on Thames, OX10 7LP
Rules:  General: No more rods to be used at any one time than outlined on your ticket conditions ie 2 rods Club and 3 rods Orchid,  no keepnets sacks or tubes to be used, all fish to be returned to the water immediately, do not leave baited hooks unattended, use only micro barb or barbless hooks no nuts, beans or peas or maize,  no wading, swim raking or swimming, do not damage bankside vegetation or trees, please report all specimen fish caught, bait boats must be used with a safety line, no leaders are allowed regardless if they are safe zone or not.
Carp: No snag leaders, shock leaders or lead-core line, no bent hooks or braided main lines, no fixed rigs,  no leaders are allowed regardless if they are safe zone or not, suitably sized unhooking mats must be used at all times.
Catfish: A minimum of 10lb breaking strain must be used, no wire traces or barbed hooks, single hooks only, unhooking mats to be used at all times, no live or dead coarse baits are allowed.
Facilities: Café, shower, male/female toilets, disabled access