‘Dazed’ after a fourth 50lb carp

“I had waited seven years to land my first 50lb carp and here I was, about to hold my fourth in as many months.”
Those were the words of in-form Ian Stott as he recounted the capture of this 59lb 2oz beast from Wellington Country Park.
The St Neots rod has been on a stunning run at the Berkshire venue recently, but this fish is his biggest so far.
He added: “As I peered into the net a load of expletives erupted from my mouth. I was looking down on a carp that was close on a foot across its back, and it dwarfed the size of a carp I had caught a few months previously.”
Ian arrived at Welly at 6.30pm on a Friday but found anglers in the swims he wanted, so he spent the night in his van before moving into a swim vacated by a bailiff the next morning.
Having cast his rigs to a spot at 130 yards, the bite came at about 3pm.
“I was sitting in the bivvy having a cup of tea when the right-hand indicator just dropped all the way down and hit the surface of the water in the margins before going all the way up to the top where it then absolutely tore off,” he said.
After a tough battle lasting nearly 20 minutes, Ian secured the fish in the net.
“I was soon left alone with one of the biggest smiles on my face imaginable,” he continued.
“Dazed would be about the best way to describe how I was feeling, dazed but extremely happy.”
Ian used Denham Element L boilies on rigs made with size 4 Gardner Covert Dark Mugga hooks and 10ins of 25lb TrickLink.