Double celebration from a swollen Wye

Pictures of chub don’t come much better than this and Adam Fisher proved that you don’t need hours on the bank to get winter action.
This mint-conditioned fish was taken by the Angling Dreams director from a stretch of the River Wye, which his company controls.
It fell to a piece home-made cheese paste, which he freelined on 6lb line tied straight through to a size 6 hook.
He had double the reason to celebrate when another session on the swollen river produced a pike that weighed in at just under 25lb and fell to a floatfished sardine.
“The chub wasn’t the biggest fish in the world, but it was such a joy to catch in such conditions and the pike was in absolute mint condition,” he said.
“It just goes to show what you can do if you get the timing of your session just right.”