Huge pike is tipped to be new British best

Take a look at this incredible picture of a 46lb 8oz pike that’s tipped to set a new British record.
It was banked by Darren Clark when he fished the famous Wykeham Lakes near Scarborough, and it falls just 5oz short of the current British best.
A legered herring injected with flavouring produced the take from the new personal best that became the largest pike ever to be landed from an English water in 2014 when it was taken at its heaviest weight of 46lb 11oz.
And many believe that due to the condition of the specimen and the quality of the fishery management at the venue that operates the predator fishing on a syndicate basis, it’s a case of when, not if, this fish will smash the current British best.
“It’s a privilege to see and catch such an awesome fish,” Darren said.
“This pike had not been seen for 23 months and many people assumed she was dead. She looked in good condition, with no signs of old age.
“There are several other big pike in the trout lake. They go missing for several seasons at a time and some have had weight gains of 5lb a year.  
“There really is a mystery with the pike fishing on the trout lake. Only this summer a trout angler foul hooked and landed a 35lb pike that was last seen four years ago.”