Season’s largest grayling – from the Frome

This is the picture of the biggest grayling of the season weighing 3lb 8oz.

Two sessions on the River Frome produced this huge fish and another of 3lb for Tim Lennon at the first opportunity he had to fish for the species following months of high, coloured water.

Both came to trotted maggot tactics from the famous venue in Dorset, underneath a four-SSG Drennan Loafer float.

Angling guide Tim used 4lb Sensor line direct to a size 12 specimen hook in 6ft swims, with the bigger fish falling 2oz short of his personal best.


“For the previous couple of weeks the river had been in the fields,” said Tim.”The first session produced the 3lb grayling and the second, when the river had dropped slightly, the 3lb 8oz. Hopefully, there might be an even bigger one to be caught before the season ends.”