Anglers flocking to famous carp reservoir after massive changes
Top matchman Phil Ringer leans into a Drayton carp.
One of the most prolific and iconic day-ticket fisheries in the UK has just got even better.
Venue bosses at Drayton Reservoir in Northants have announced the biggest revamp in the record-breaking stillwater’s history, and have announced that it’s busier than ever as anglers flock from miles around to target its huge stocks of carp.
Months of renovation work, which included the complete rebuilding of the most popular pegs and improved access and facilities, were completed ready for a sell-out weekend which saw some anglers bank 700lb of carp at a single sitting!
And with water temperatures on the rise, venue experts predict that the water, whose carp now average around 14lb, will enjoy its best year ever.
Mark and Angie Ryder have managed Drayton for the past nine years, and since the improvements have been made they say the buzz surrounding the fishery has been ‘incredible’.
“We opened some of the improved areas over the May Bank Holiday weekend and the days leading up to it were manic.
“The phone didn’t stop ringing day and night and there wasn’t a peg left,” said Mark.
“One angler banked 54 fish to well over 20lb in a 48-hour session, and it’s not uncommon for visitors to bank 1,000lb of carp in 24 hours. That’s what this place is capable of, and we are immensely proud because it’s immaculate and continues to play a massive part in showcasing what fishing should be all about.”
Drayton is owned by the Canal & River Trust, and National Fisheries and Angling Manager John Ellis said: “This fishery has been breaking records since we opened 22 years ago.
“The place looks incredible after all the work we’ve done, and the investment and improvements will mean that it’s only going to get better. In fact I’d say 2016 is set to be its best year ever!
“I know for a fact that well over a quarter-of-a-million have fished here since we opened, and it’s changed from being a match venue with weights well over 400lb to one of the country’s premium venues for large numbers of big carp.”
Top match angler Phil Ringer is a big fan of the place, and he said: “The changes made will make Drayton even more popular. There are few better lakes for anglers wanting to catch big carp.”