Academy unearths big match stars of the future

A project set up by a top tackle brand to help develop young match anglers has this year received a record number of applicants, Angling Times can reveal. 

Guru Match Academy contestants at MakinsBIG.jpg

The Guru Match Academy is now in its third year, and more youngsters than ever before are involved have signed up. 

Guru Tackle representative Matt Godfrey spoke to Angling Times about the Academy and the goal it’s trying to achieve. 

He said: “It’s been fantastic to see how the Academy has progressed over the last three years, and to know that there are more and more budding young match anglers out there.

“In our first year we had 20 applicants, and 35 in the second – but this time round we had around 60 attend the two events held at Partridge Lakes and Makin Fisheries. 

“The main task is to get them involved and engaged in fishing, but we’re also introducing them to the next level in match angling. 

“It gives youngsters a taste of what it’s like to compete on a grand scale with the help of some of the best names in the business. 

“Two young anglers, who we thought had exceptional skills and attitude on the day, also received a £1,000 one-year 2018 Guru Tackle sponsorship – an award that will help them get to the next level. 

“Getting kids into fishing is hard enough, but this scheme gives them something to chase.”

One angler to benefit from the Academy this year was Brandon George, who took home the sponsorship prize during the first event at Makins.

Angling Times caught up with the 17-year-old to find out about his experience on the day and his future match fishing plans. 

“I couldn’t believe what happened the moment I was given the sponsorship,” he added.

“I have always looked up to those who are sponsored by Guru as I believe they are the best match fishing company out there. 

“To be given an opportunity that could change my life is something I will cherish forever, and I don’t think that fact will ever sink in.

“I’m wanting to make the most of my sponsorship with Guru – for the past few years I’ve been fishing various opens and qualifiers but haven’t been able to do as many as I would like, due to school. 

“Now I have this opportunity and a bit more time, I’m going to make the most of it by trying as hard as I can. 

“I want to fish more opens and festivals than ever before. My future goal is to one day win a major festival or a qualifier to get into a big-money final or, even better, win one.

“The Guru Academy is an awesome event for young anglers to give them a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I urge others with the same goal to sign up and do the same!”