big cash prizes in new contests

A new series of matches at a top fishery will give anglers the chance to win thousands of pounds... without having to qualify. 

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Staffordshire’s Heronbrook Fisheries is hosting the matches in partnership with tackle company MAP. 

Called the MAP Heronbrook 100, up to five one-off events will have a £100 entry fee and 100 places available.

The winner of each match will receive £4,000, and 23 of the participants are guaranteed to win at least  their money back. 

“Already we’ve sold 50 tickets for the trial match on September 29,” said Heronbrook owner Neil Dale. “If the match is successful we have plans in place for four further matches in 2019.

“A lot of anglers are starting to become disheartened by the prestigious competitions such as Fish O’Mania, Maver Match This and Golden Reel. 

“Some of the qualifiers are crammed across smaller venues and there’s only a few metres between you and the guy pegged next to you. 

“Unless you draw a flyer, there’s very little chance of you being able to qualify and win something.

“In the MAP Heronbrook 100 you have a big complex with lots of room, and there will be one free peg between every angler. 

“There’s also 15 metres between each peg here, so anglers will have a great chance of sacking up with lots of room to work in.

“There are at least 60 pegs that have the potential to win a match at Heronbrook, and with 30-40 anglers currently catching over 100lb in matches, those competing in the trial are sure to have a great day’s fishing with the bonus of winning big.”

Heronbrook isn’t the only fishery to create a big-money competition, as the recent
R & J Pipework Masters at Decoy Lakes proved.

The 160-peg match had an entry fee of £50, was organised by Wensum Valley Angling, and used all 11 lakes at the Cambridgeshire venue – with Adam Major claiming the £6,000 winner’s cheque.

A spokesman for Decoy Lakes said: “More and more anglers aren’t minding paying decent entry fees for the chance of winning these big matches. 

“With sponsorship from Norwich company R & J Pipework, the match was able to offer competitors some serious prize money without having to travel around the country fishing qualifiers which can be a bit of a  lottery. Next year’s event will be even better!

“The problem these days is that there are too many big qualifiers going on at the same time. A spread of these competitions across the year could see attendances increase still further.”

Matches to run over all five lakes

£100 entry fee

100 spaces available

£9,000 paid out – First: £4,000   Second: £2,000, Third: £1,000

20 sections of five pegs

£100 for each section winner

Prizes supplied by MAP

The trial match will be held at Heronbrook Fisheries on September 29. Call Neil Dale on 07879 441282 to participate or for further information.