biggest two-fish catch ever in uk?

 midweek overnighter has produced one of the biggest-ever braces of freshwater fish – two monster catfish weighing 85lb and 105lb.

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The mighty pair fell to Catfish Pro Team member Richard Wetton at Crow Green Fishery in Essex, alongside two smaller moggies, to top off an incredible session. 

An ecstatic Richard told Angling Times: “I have had good nights on the fishery before catching 10 or 11 fish to 50lb, but that doesn’t compare to this recent trip. 

“When the first one screamed off I knew from the moment I hooked it that it was a big one. It battled for 15 minutes before hitting the net, and that was just the 85.

“The next slow but constant run saw me connect with an even bigger fish that fought hard for 20 minutes with neither of us prepared to give in. 

“When I got it in the net, I just sat there and took it all in. I had just achieved my target for the season – a 100lb-plus cat. Let’s say I had little sleep after that mad 40 minutes, with the adrenaline pumping from the madness.”

Richard caught both fish on halibut pellets fished on a brick rig. His specialist tackle consisted of 11ft Cat Tamer rods and big pit reels loaded with 99lb braided mainline. Attached to this was a 1oz inline lead and a 16ins, 120lb Catfish Pro hooklink tied to a Pro circle hook. Richard added: “You can’t really turn a big cat’s head when it wants to go. So you hold on for dear life, and fingers crossed the gear will hold out.”