‘Catch a Crucian’ photographic competition

The Angling Trust and the National Crucian Conservation Project are once again organising their ‘Catch a Crucian’ photographic competition. 

Leading crucian anglers, including A Passion for Angling’s Hugh Miles, big-fish specialist Gary Newman, author and crucian expert Peter Rolfe and angling artist Chris Turnbull, will judge images sent in by anglers. 

Running throughout June, July and August, the competition aims to highlight crucian fishing, how to recognise true crucians, and the need for specific crucian waters. 

Peter Rolfe told Angling Times: “This competition has helped the crucian conservation cause and it gives me great pleasure to be involved as a judge. I’m looking forward to seeing photos of great fish and places. In particular, I think it is a brilliant idea to offer a prize for photos of crucians caught by youngsters, sowing the seeds for years of pleasure ahead.”

Unlike many angling competitions, the size of the fish is not critical. The event’s sponsors have offered prizes of a £100 Angling Direct voucher and a Bait-Tech bucket containing £35 worth of crucian bait to each of the three anglers who take the best crucian picture, the best scenic picture of a crucian water, and the best picture of a junior with a crucian. 

The competition is free to enter – just register online at https://catchacrucian.wordpress.com/ and go and catch and photograph some crucians.