Catch a crucian winners revealed

The winners of the third annual Catch a Crucian Photographic Competition have been announced.  

According to organisers, this year’s competition – run throughout the summer – saw its highest standard of entries so far, with Matt Minter taking the prize for the Best Crucian Picture with a classic shot of a 2lb 5oz fish. 

Matt Minter.jpg

Lying alongside traditional crucian tackle of a centrepin reel, split cane rod and a delicate waggler float, the fish on the picture is a perfect example of the species. Matt caught it from a southern stillwater using paste on float tackle.

The Best Junior Picture prize was awarded to eight-year-old Lauren Stevens, who posed proudly it with her first-ever crucian. 

Lauren Stevens.jpg

The stunning fish was caught in grim conditions, but Lauren’s beaming expression brightens the image. Her crucian was caught from Hinkshay Top Pool, and beats her father’s personal best!

Rhys Kolze Jones took the prize for the Best Scenic Picture with an idyllic image of dawn at Onslow Estate Long Pool in Shropshire. Using a low angle above some yellow water lilies, Rhys photographed the sun rising above the trees, capturing a traditional crucian angler’s morning scene.

The entries were judged by a panel of leading crucian experts including ‘A Passion for Angling’ film maker and crucian conservationist Hugh Miles.

He said: “I was honoured to be asked to judge this competition again this year, not just because crucians are such wonderful creatures, but because the quality of the photography was even better than last time. 

“Interest and investment in these splendid fish has increased a lot recently, and we can thank the Angling Trust and Environment Agency for all they’ve done to make this happen.”

James Champkin, Angling Trust campaigns officer who manages entries into the Catch a Crucian competition, added: “I certainly believe that the competition has encouraged many more people to get out there and target this wonderful species. It’s particularly uplifting to see so many young anglers proudly holding their first crucian. 

“Hopefully they will become motivated to join the efforts of the National Crucian Conservation Project to conserve this charismatic fish.”