Hook Yourself a Luxury Fishing Lake (and a home worth £5.25million is thrown in!)

For those who dream of owning a massive house with its own lake in the garden a unique competition has arisen where YOU can have a chance to do just that.

The property up for grabs is Dancers Hill House located just 14 miles from central London. If the 6-bedroom and 6-bathroom mansion was not enough you also get 4-acres of grounds including a 1 1/2-acre lake stocked with over 2000 mixed coarse fish.

To enter the competition please visit www.windancershillhouse.com. Once on the site answer the question and pay the entry fee of £12.50 (plus £1 booking fee).

It really is as easy as that and you can enter multiple times if you are feeling lucky! The competition is due to close on the 16th of December 2018.