Incredible 41lb chew pike landed from the bank!

A magnificent 41lb 2oz pike caught from the shores of prolific Chew Valley Lake was the highlight of what has been another memorable week at the UK’s best predator fishery.

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It was taken by local angler Paul Curry, and is one of the biggest shore-caught pike ever taken from the Bristol Water-run fishery in Somerset.

The 68-year-old captor has been fishing the venue since it opened its doors to pike anglers in 2001, and the 41-pounder smashes his personal best for the species by almost 10lb.

Half a legered Bluey deadbait mounted on size 8 Owner trebles fooled the fish, which Paul backed up with other pike of 24lb and around 15lb during his memorable day’s fishing from the north shore of the legendary South West venue.

“Many people think big pike just crawl up your rod here, but that isn’t the case. I have a mate who’s been fishing here as long as I have, and he hasn’t had one over 30lb yet,” Paul said.

“I knew as soon as I struck that this was something special because it was just so heavy and pretty much did what it wanted. All I managed to do was stay in contact and guide it in.

“The biggest pike I’d seen in the flesh up until this capture was a 38, and that was amazing, but this one was in another league.”

Venue chiefs revealed that Paul’s fish topped the big-fish list that saw 15 pike over 30lb taken in just six days’ fishing.

l Find out more about Chew at: