It’s not too late for a big crucian

A pair of 4lb crucians topped another superb week for the species – which also saw numerous fish over 3lb banked.

The larger of the two taken by Mike Lyddon went 4lb 1oz, closely followed by another bang on the 4lb mark. 

Michael Lyddon 4lb 1oz crucian.jpg

Targeting Johnsons Lake, a Godalming AS water in Surrey, Mike cast out a small flatbed Method feeder with hair-rigged artificial casters as hookbait. 

He added: “All my fish came at night – I didn’t have a single bite in daylight.”

Alongside these clonking fish, the Gardner Tackle-backed angler landed seven other crucians that all tipped the scales at 3lb-plus. 

Mike’s latest catches, viewed alongside his previous track record with the species, further cement his position as one of the most successful crucian anglers of all time. 

He said: “Since first targeting them I’ve now caught nearly 350 crucians over 3lb and 11 four-pounders, which is an achievement I’m tremendously proud of.”

Andy Childs also fished Johnson’s Lake for a 3lb 14oz crucian, part of an excellent haul that also included carp to over 20lb and a 2lb 1oz roach.

Andy Childs 3lb 14oz crucian.jpg

Another angler to get in on the crucian action was David Brice, who again used a Method feeder with a fake caster hookbait to land a 3lb 11oz fish from an undisclosed water. 

David put down a bed of casters and groundbait with a spod and fished for carp while he allowed the crucians to settle on his feed. 

David Brice 3lb 11oz crucian.jpg

Daniel Woolcott also opted for a Method feeder with fake casters to land two 3lb 7oz crucians from a southern lake, one of which was caught during the day and the other after night had fallen.

Daniel Woolcott 3lb 7oz crucian (day).jpg

This incredible week was rounded off by Dereck Wood, who landed a 3lb 8oz crucian from the Hambrook Lakes day-ticket water in Hampshire on two grains of hair-rigged corn fished on a Method feeder. Dereck said: “I couldn’t believe my eyes when the fish came to the surface!”

Dereck Wood 3lb 8oz crucian.jpg