Seven pound chub just keep coming!

Late autumn’s incredible run of big chub shows no signs of abating with the capture of three seven-pounders topped by a fish of 7lb 14oz.

This one was banked by West Sussex angler Alex Warren, who made the most of rising water temperatures and overcast conditions to hook into the fine specimen. 

Alex Warren 7lb 14oz chub.jpg

Targeting the famous Railway Pool on Hampshire’s Royalty Fishery, Alex used a bait dropper to introduce an enticing mix of hemp and casters soaked in CSL liquid before casting his maggot feeder rig over the top.

This incorporated a size 16 Drennan Plus hook mounted with four red grubs.

He told Angling Times: “After landing a couple of 3lb-plus fish early in the day, I knew it would take a while to regain the confidence of other fish in the area – so I rested the swim and baited little and often to draw them out from the shadows.

“Early in the afternoon, I had a thumping bite and felt a heavy fish make for the deeper water under the bridge. 

“After a few tense moments and a few brutal runs aimed at bankside snags, I scooped up my prize. The Royalty bailiff arrived just in time to witness the scales reading 7lb 14oz!”

The River Trent played host to the next big chub capture in the form of a 7lb 5oz beauty for Brett Longthorne. 

The 3 Foot Twitch Baits-backed angler continued his run of fine form on the waterway when he landed six chub over 5lb on 10mm 3FT Baits SG1 dumbells tipped with fake corn.

Brett Longthorne 7lb 5oz chub.jpg

He said: “I started fishing for barbel, but the chub soon turned up and I started to receive lots of knocks. I then switched to smaller hooks, baits and shorter hooklinks and finally managed to hook into some fish. 

“They were all over 5lb, but the 7lb 5oz fish was truly special.”

Patric Kyte rounded off the three specimen chub catches when he hooked into a 7lb beauty on the Great Ouse in Bedfordshire. 

Patric Kyte 7lb chub.jpg

Patric had planned to fish the Trent for chub but due to having to help his son, whose car had broken down, he cut the trip short and headed to the Ouse, which was much closer to home. 

It was a decision that was to pay off in spades when the seven-pounder devoured his paste offering. “When I got it to the net I was surprised at how heavy it was,” he added. 

“I called my dad down who weighed it and took some photos,” he said.