Carp anglers unite against poaching
A GROUP of dedicated carp anglers have created a new body to help provide additional support to local enforcement authorities in the fight against fish theft and illegal angling in the UK.
Carpers Against Poaching (CAP) was launched after the country witnessed a substantial rise in angling-related crime at lakes, rivers and canals during lockdown.
The group’s founding member, Justin Mortlake, says:
“The lockdown was unfortunately a great window of opportunity for poachers, and in the carp angling fraternity alone there have been numerous cases of illegal fishing, so we decided to do something about it.
“Our group already has 250 members from all corners of the UK and our goal is to act as extra eyes and ears on the ground and gather intelligence to help pinpoint poaching hotspots and submit evidence to local police and the EA.”
Aside from providing evidence that will help prosecute repeat offenders, Justin’s ethos is to help educate those who are caught poaching.
“We fully appreciate that our Eastern European friends are getting a bad name on social media at present and realise that the majority are responsible anglers and members of the community,” he adds.
“It’s a minority who are ruining it for others so we’re working closely with the Polish Anglers Association to help communicate UK laws and our sporting tradition of catch and release.”
The new logo for Carpers Against Poaching