Mum holds the key to get more kids fishing - Keith Arthur

No one can argue that carp angling is the prime mover behind most of the tackle industry in this country yet it’s a pretty difficult area for women, especially those with families.

Hopefully having the ultimate target – World Champion is pretty serious on any level – to aim at will encourage more women to get involved.

It’s no secret that the Angling Trust’s participation features Family Fishing as its primary means of introducing new anglers. It is very aware that it’s all very well targeting schoolchildren but it has to be borne in mind that anyone still at primary school needs someone to take them to the bank and supply them with tackle. Therefore good old Mum is the answer.

Although there are notable exceptions, most clubs have no facilities or even suitable waters for juniors and there are plenty of fisheries that either don’t or won’t cater for them either. Mum holds the key. Now there is even more incentive for Mums to become active within the sport rather than passive observers.

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