Squid hookbait snatched by super strong catfish! - Rui Pedro
“WHILE waiting for the new river season to start I thought I’d have a go at catching a big catfish. Tuscany Lake at Beaver Fishery in Surrey holds lots of them, so I booked myself on and started on a snowman rig.
“On the first night I had a 28lb cat and numerous dropped runs so I switched to a float set-up for day two.
“Baiting a spot near the bank with 20mm halibut pellets, chunks of mackerel and cubes of meat, I suspended a whole squid hookbait set 6ft deep over the top.
At 5pm my float buried and over the next 20 minutes I enjoyed the craziest and strongest fight I’ve ever had from a fish!
When she finally went into the net my arm was aching like mad, but I was buzzing with my new PB and my first-ever 50lb fish!”
Catfish have massive heads
My first ever 50lb-plus fish!