How to set up a Guru impact bomb
There are various ways to introduce tiny amounts of feed when legering. The simplest is just to use a feeder, but don’t fill it right up.
A better option, though, is the recently-released product called a Guru Impact Bomb – basically a normal leger weight, but with a hollowed-out area on both surfaces into which dampened pellets can be squeezed.
This not only provides a Method-type presentation of your bait – perfect for carp – but also offers a very different way of feeding, in that some of the pellets will be released on impact with the water and then slowly create a column of food from surface to lakebed.
It’s ideal for cold-water conditions when the fish are at all levels, something that often happens at this time of year.
Check out how you set one of these up below.
1) Tie a safety clip to the end of the mainline and attach the Impact Bomb to the clip.
2) Semi-fix the bomb in place by sliding down the tail rubber over the clip.
3) Use a quick-change link swivel to allow you to change hooklengths easily.
4) To ‘fill’ the bomb, dunk it into slightly overwetted micro-pellets so they stick to it.
5) Firmly push the pellets into the bomb so that it can be cast without any flying off.
6) Here it is ready for casting – the perfect way to feed a bomb swim in winter.