Impressively big 2lb 10oz roach caught from the upper River Lea

Targeting the big roach on a private stretch of the Upper River Lea, it took Biggleswade angler Michael Baldwin just three visits to track down a new pb in the shape of this 2lb 10oz specimen.

The all-rounder managed to tempt the big fish using a 15ft rod and centrepin to trot his double maggot hookbait under a homemade float constructed from crow quill and elder pith.

“I normally fish caster for the roach,” said Michael, “but I didn’t have any for this session. Luckily, the maggot did the job and gave me my new personal best.

“There are roach to over 3lb in the stretch I fish, but catching them is made even more difficult by the barbel, which can be a real pain ¬ I had 12 of them up to 7lb on the day while I was trying to catch the roach,” he added.