Swinscoe holds on for title
Garbolino Silverfish Winter League (final round)
Meadowlands Fishery, Lambsdown & Warren Lakes (50 pegs)
The final round of this league was a windy affiar, but there were still lots of fish caught over both lakes.
Joint winners on the day were Gary O’Shea and Steve Hemingray, who were only two pegs apart on the pump bank of the Lambsdown Lake. Chucking cage feeders on to the long pole line and longer at 25m, both men ended the day with
22-8-0 of skimmers.
Wayne Swinscoe was been the most consistent performer across the series with his worst dropped result being second in section. Gary O’Shea also had eight points, Wayne pipping him on section countback.
Result: Jt1 G O’Shea, Preston Innovations Thatcher’s and S Hemingray, Drennan, both 22-8-0; 3 S Willsmore, Drennan/D&A Tackle, 21-12-0; 4 M Phillips, Milton Keynes, 21-2-0.
League: 1 W Swinscoe, Drennan/Bait-Tech, 8pts (section countback); 2 G O’Shea, Preston Innovations Thatcher’s, 8; 3 S Tucker, Garbolino/Bait-Tech, 9; 4 D Cox, Garbolino, 11 (section countback); 5 L Klimkzuk, Drennan/Bait-Tech, 11.