Good deed leads to 11lb zander

A heart-warming gesture from a top lure angler saw Ian Whittaker make the catch of a lifetime in the form of this stuperb 11lb zander.

Savage Gear-backed angler Sam Delasalle (pictured left) decided to do a good deed for an angler who might be struggling in life and advertised on social media to invite someone to join him for a spirit-lifting session. 

Friends of Ian got in touch after the Nantwich-based angler’s wife was taken to hospital with terminal cancer. 

Responding to the call, Sam decided to take Ian and his friend Stuart Mitten out to a zander canal hotspot. 

Ian’s wife sadly passed away just days before the planned session but he went along with the trip and banked a new personal best.

“My previous best zed was only 8cm, so to get one that big in those circumstances is just something else. I am truly grateful for Sam and the gesture he made,” said Ian.
